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Health Camps in CommunitiesPromoting Healthy and Productive Communities

Grameen Kalyan has come a long way since the beginning of its journey, from small scale informational meetings in Uthan Baithak - backyard meetings in rural areas to provide necessary information about nutrition, health, family planning services etc. Through its 140 health centers, Kalyan's countrywide community-based primary health care has evolved and met the previously deprived communities' need for primary healthcare.

Aiming to bring awareness and promote health equality, Grameen Kalyan has never bound itself by only setting up health centers and waiting for patients to visit those. With the help of Community Health Assistants (CHAs) and dedicated health workers, Kalyan regularly arranges Satellite (outdoor) Camps & School camps in the locality. Occasionally, disease & diagnosis-specific medical camps are set up at the health centers where people can get expert's opinions, consultation, and other health services affordably.

A basic check-up and screening at the early stages of an ailment can help detect and cure people faster, saving precious lives in the process. By providing various health care services across the nation, Kalyan has become a trusted healthcare provider. Now people living below the poverty line can afford the health care service, which earlier could not be afforded due to the cutthroat expense. As such, people can live longer, happier and healthier when proper screening, health check-ups, tests and treatments are available conveniently.


Annual Heath Camps

Since its inception, Kalyan has been organising numerous health camps at its centers and hard-to-reach areas to bring healthcare closer to people. Currently, there are 36 doctors but each year, Kalyan welcomes and recruits more doctors from different fields to bring affordability and accessibility of healthcare across the country. Through these efforts, Kalyan wants to ensure people in low and middle-income communities are getting the right healthcare at the right time with early detection.

Every year, Grameen Kalyan attempts to organize six types of disease-specific health camps to handle chronic illnesses, prevent contagious diseases and provide a remedy for curable diseases. Each of those camps serves mass people quality services with varieties of specialised and comprehensive medical care.

A brief specification of the medical camps is following:

Gynaecology & Obstetric Camp:

Eye Care Camp:

ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Camp:


Diabetes Awareness Camp:

Outreach Health Camps:


+880244802111, +8809642115500